Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Low carb menu

- Two eggs
- Sugar free gelatin parfait
- Deviled egg with extra mayo & a cinnamon flax muffin with lots of butter

The surgery itself took less than half an hour, which is awesome.  They got right in there and took out my plate and screws out of my femur. 

My surgery was at 9am and I was home by 1pm (I think).  I'm able to balance myself out by placing just a little weight on my ouchie leg and using a walker.  I was able to get up the steps by just putting my weight on my walker and hopping backward on my good leg, which was awesome.

The hardware removal took place on Monday and today, I'm really feeling better. I've been sooo tired today and I've been mostly just sleeping and working (web work), but the pain is really getting to be less intense, which is a huge relief!!  I think that I slept for about thirteen hours, which is very unlike me.  Must be my body healing and that new bone growth shooting in!

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