Friday, September 23, 2011

Progress Pics! The gf and me and our babies

Older progress pics can be found here.


  1. Beautiful beautiful (and a couple more for the puppies too). What a happy, gorgeous couple you are! Thank you for sharing the pics. I LOVE the grey striped shirt combo too. :)

  2. Ang you are stunning! If you stayed how you are this minute you would stay perfect. You and your gf make an adorable couple. Love the doggies! Very cute! I need to post some pics of my dogs in their halloween costumes..Stu is going to be a hot dog and Moo is going to be (what else) a cow. hahaha

  3. Your hair is super cute too!!!!

  4. You all look gorgeous! (And I love that grey top too.)

  5. Oct - Thanks! That is too cute that you got the shirt. You totally made me smile and you are going to love the tops...

    Nancy - My low carb buddy! Your comment made me feel soo good. You've been such a support over the years.

    Judith - Thanks so much... Hope you are recovering from surgery nicely...
