Monday, November 18, 2013

Low carb menus

Saturday's Menu
- Four eggs
- Pork chop
- A few bites of chicken salad (when prepping it)
- Two flax muffins with butter

Sunday's Menu
- Four eggs
- Cheese
- KFC chicken breast w/ no skin
- Cinnamon flax muffin
- Low carb chocolate pb cheesecake
- A mushroom stolen from my brother's pizza (lol)

We went to my dad's house yesterday.  It was crazy right before we left. We lost power and we had water coming in.  Our landlord keeps trying to fix the issue himself,but I have a feeling that he should just leave it up to the professionals.  Catching water with a bucket is no fun.

First, we stopped by my mom's house and then we went over to my dad's.  Fun was had by all!  It's always nice to catch up with family.

ETA: I just realized that I wrote"fun was had by all" twice in as many entries.  What am I, 31 going on 90?? Haha.

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