Monday, October 31, 2011

Low carb menu and a special birthday wish

Low carb menu
- Two pieces of pumpkin bake
- Two pieces of chicken breast, pan fried and battered with pork rinds, dipped in low carb honey mustard
- Six jalapeno poppers
- Sloppy joe meat with pork rinds

Happy birthday to Oct!

Be sure to bump over to Octracia's blog and wish her a beary Happy Birthday! She is smart, funny, hard-working, adorable, friendly and a low carber and today is her birthday!! What more could you possibly ask for?


  1. Aw… Thank you Angie! :) How fun to get a birthday blog post from a friend!

  2. Love ~Oct!
    She is a great LC'er and a nice blogger.
    I would love to meet her in person one day!
